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Late Availability


Best Available Rate
Upgrade to a 3-course dinner & canapés for £35 per person per night
Kids 4 and under Eat, Drink & Stay FREE

Take advantage of our last-minute deals by booking a late availability break. Sometimes we have extra rooms that need to be filled, and our late availability offers are the perfect opportunity for you to secure a luxury stay for less. These deals are limited and apply only to new bookings made within 2 weeks of arrival, ensuring you get the best available rate at the time of booking. Plus, save over 25% when you upgrade to dinner before arrival, enjoying a 3-course meal and canapés for just £35 per person per night.

All breaks include complimentary use of our spa and leisure facilities, a daily round of golf throughout your stay, and an entertainment programme during school holidays.

Included in your stay:

or call our Reservations Team on 01726 812304 or email

Terms & Conditions

Supplements apply for single occupancy and for higher room categories. Rates are strictly for new bookings and applicable 2 weeks before arrival. Due to the nature of this offer room numbers cannot be guaranteed. A non-refundable deposit will be taken at the time of booking of £100 per person and full payment will be taken 24 hours prior to arrival. Dinner upgrades can only be purchased at the discounted rate prior to arrival. Children under 4 stay free when sharing their parents’ room and charges apply for those under 15 having their own room. Cancellation terms apply. View our full booking terms here.

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